Sunday 2 October 2011

Welcome to Future Vintage Vaults!

Sorry about the recent gap. I had to take some time off to recover from my birthday weekend and to learn to cope with the fact I'm not thirty something anymore. And as the stat counter showed the 200.000th happy customer, it was also a good time to gather my thoughts about the future of the Future Vintage.
What really got me started was an unwanted b-day present in the form of this stupid "compilation" of tracks all stolen from my blog by certain Vrec. No taste, no design, no shame, no nothing. Gosh, he'd even had the guts to steal my box! An not a word about my blog, of course...

I've been thinking about some improvements for some time and this piece of shit finally made my thought lego click. Fact 1/ my own compilations and mixes are the most downloaded files. Fact 2/ I've got a passion for good remixes and those bottomless boxes to choose from. Click!

So let me introduce Future Vintage Vaults, my own bootleg netlabel, specialized in remix collections and all things unusual. Shortly, the FVV releases will be something that could never have happened in the real world due to licensing problems. Because I'm that soo 90's guy, the releases will come in the form of classic 80 minutes CDs, will contain material that roughly fits into Future Vintage timeframe, will be gathered from quality sources and will include original artwork in high resolution.

First two volumes are ready to go and about 10 more are in the making. I hope you'll like the first release in the post above and will come back to me with some usefull feedback.

That doesn't mean I will stop posting regular records from my collection, so don't worry about your requests. The fact is that it gets harder to post something really outstanding, new blogs and download sites pop up everyday and many albums I've prepared for Future Vintage happened to appear elsewhere before I had the chance to post them.

Stay tuned!


robbie said...


Neon Utopia said...

What a great idea!!! Major public service for electronic music fans. Much appreciated. Big time thank you.