Friday 23 December 2011

See you in the next life

"Dood, what happened to you??? Are you okay? Do we need to bail you out of an armenian prison? Or are you joining Fila Brazillia as a roadie/stylist?", wrote Kevin and as I keep getting concerned emails and comments in very much the same vein, I think it's about time to offer you some explanation of the 7 weeks gap, unheard of even in the history of this blog, well known for it's slow pace.

You my readers know that I usually don't mix personal issues with blogging, so let's make the long story short. The year 2011 was undoubtedly the worst year in my professional career as well as in my personal life. Probably as a result of the economic crisis most of my clients went out of business or had to cut the marketing budgets drastically, which in effect turned me from moderately successful graphic designer to a penniless loser close to eviction and with limited access to the net.

Being 12 months without a proper job is something I haven't experienced in my whole life. Surely it beats an armenian prison but only barely. I'm truly addicted to work, so the lack of it really wears me out and gets me down. But whichever work the devil has found for my idle hands, it's not blogging. Not that there wasn't enough material for posting (like a couple of essential addendums to the Dorado batch) but as a result of my personal quagmire somehow I've just lost all the creative energy and drive.

Anyway if you happen to have any use for skilled and experienced graphic designer with an impressive portfolio, do not hesitate to contact me.

Recently I've put all my net money into the RS account to maintain at least some continuity but frankly, I have no idea when or if I'll ever be in postion that would allow me to post some more of the choons we all love. The Howie B. remix collection you'll find below is the last release on FVV label and this blog, at least for the foreseeable future. So enjoy this X-mas present and if you feel like some charity and want to support the author, please consider using the Donate button, the eternal blind spot of this blog.

Stay tuned!


Percy said...

Sad to hear that you give up your excellent Blog but i can totally understand your Point.I'm in a simular Situation.Stuff like that can suck out any creativity.My Blog helps to keep up at least a minimum.Anyway,thanks for all those great Posts,you will be sadly missed.All the best whishes for upcoming Life.Greetz Percy

pp said...

Dear friend,

I'm writing from Greece, where the crisis has reached its european peak. I understand exactly the situation you describe. Anyway, thank you for your posts and blogging activity in general. I hope you overcome the difficulties and have a better 2012! Thank you once again...

El Dorado said...

It's a very sad moment to read your decision. Your comp 'the remix according to nightmares on wax' was one of my 2011 favourite comps. I also happen to know I'm not alone on this. I wish you the best of luck, my thoughts will be with you.

aorto said...

Ah, man, I had no idea. Not one for advice but about seven years ago, same thing happened to me. Ended up with two low paying factory jobs to make ends meet (though we sank deep into debt...)..

Seven years later still working two but have ended up finding a career and am finally seen daylight with finances.

Like you, I thoroughly enjoy work but I had to learn it is not who I am. Be open to anythng and realize your experiences now will make you stronger and much more real. A loser you are not.

Don't ever give up! The tunes can wait.

DJSign said...

Finaly I dig up to the finish date... and to that sad final comment of Yours... Too sad, because of my point of view. I just started to joying with your blog. Just a few days ago I found it and now it looks it's no more of this most beautiful site in the whole wide web. I'm writng my words from Poland (btw - it was really nice to read about Skalpel is known and respected artist even outside PL) and here we have those problems (with unemployement) since few years (I risk even few decades). I'm graphic designer too (what a coincidence isn't? ;) - since 1996) and I tell You bro... When the things get worse in the world of economy we have skrew as a first on that frontline ;) You should to know that's the way it is... artists always get fu***ed when all the rest looking for a bread to eat. But... no matter what, don't let the situation take controll of Your state of mind. Mind is Your last stand. Be Yourself... even if that blog will crumble. Will be better. Hope - the keyword for any of us. Don't give up.


tawantinsuyu said...

come to belize and do it yourself! the music sucks but everything else will be better :)

Ivan Halen said...

Yeah Mate !
Great Job here !
Sad to hear about your situation and all that jazz.
Hope you'll overcome yr predicament and find a new start somewhere in 2012
The best for the nu year


Ivan Halen

Belize Resort said...

Bro I was saving this most righteous request for this most untriumphant time; could you post Questions by Purple Penquin

Belize Resort said...

Before you go could you post Questions by Purple Penquin?