Thursday, 28 October 2010

A Reminiscent Drive - Mercy Street (1997 F-Communication)

Since my first A Reminiscent Drive post some 15 months ago I received over 100 requests to post the full album. You know I'm mostly happy to oblige and still I was somehow reluctant to let this one go. Or should I say jealous? The thing is, I used to fall asleep while listening to Mercy Street for years and I still think it's one of the the best electronic albums of the 90's. I believe that some albums are equivalent to satori, the music just pours out of the musician independent on his will. Just listen to other Jay Alanski's works and you will find nothing comparable to Mercy Street. I'm not going to write any passionate review, don't worry. Suffice to say it's so good I own two copies (and I still prefer the worn out minimalistic cardboard promo edition, see below). I said it before and I say it again: I envy anyone who will listen to this album for the first time.
mp3 I 320kbps I 70 minutes I 160mb I link in comments


70's Baby Early 80's Child said...
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Jah Rizla said...

Great post dude, totaly lovin' this album n it just gets better n better with each listen........class......cheersM8

Sherman said...

this is the best blog around! it's like the best walk down musical memory lane EVER! this post is a favorite! everyone needs to hear this one! thanks.

dicky said...

Cheers for this mate - a trip down memory lane for me - I used to own many of these albums but fell on hard times circa 2003 and had to sell the lot :(

J Thyme...kind said...

My fav of the F-Communication discs is "Bold" by Readymade. Gonna give this one a try. Thanks.

vincent said...

F-Communivation is my fav label. Many, Many thanks

david said...

Masterpiece !