Sunday, 26 July 2009

Teenage Filmstars - Star (1992 Creation)

It's really hard to take the first Teenage Filmstars album seriously. Most of all it's a reflexive response to the flood of Creation Records' notorious shoegazer acts like My Bloody Valentine and The Telescopes. Take a crazy psychedelic trip on heavily effected guitars flavoured with some nice ambient textures and lush vocals. It's the artisan nature of Mr. Ball that brought us an instant MBV album. Just add water.

mp3 I 320kbps I 54 minutes I 124mb I link in comments


70's Baby Early 80's Child said...
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cheeba said...

Went to the UK for Reading 92 and picked this up at the HMV in SOHO before flying home (same place I bought God Ween Satan). Only found out it was Ball a couple years ago. Still have it, still play it and once in a while a couple songs still end up on comps I make. One of my fave psychedelic LPs from any era!